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I tried looking throughout the forum for this thread, because I remember seeing it someone. However, with the search feature, I ended not being able to find it. Therefore, if you can, we can let this one just die or vice versa.

You know you are a counselor or camp-lifer if/when...

You can burst into song about anything

All of your clothing is initialed or nametagged

Your left leg alone has 40 mosquitoe bites (you counted)

Your friendship bracelets from the past years at camp are your most important pieces of jewelry

You like your camp friends better than your family

Your friends never expect you to be home in the summer

Your idea of fun is screaming cheers until you have no voice, and then screaming some more

You write song parodies in your spare time

You can recite your camp adress in 2 seconds flat

Your home friends just "don't understand"

You have no clue what movies are out or what's on tv from June - September

You refer to camp friends as 'sisters'

You truly know the meaning of being dirty

You've taken a shower a) outdoors b) in a shower full of spiders c) all of the above

You get homesick for camp the minute you're home

You have no idea what you'll do when your parents say it's time to get a REAL job

You think a great compliment is to be called loud, weird or crazy

If you had the choice, camp would be all year round.

You know you're obsessed with camp when....

It's December and you say YEAH!! CAMP'S ALMOST HERE!

The day you get home from camp, you're already thinking about next year.

You've had a contest of how long you can go without a) showering b) not shaving your legs c) not brushing your hair d) all three... and when you told your home friends you won they all were disgusted

During the summer, you carry a Nalgene at all times.

The shirts you've stolen from or exchanged with camp friends are your favorite items of clothing.

9 out of your 10 last calls dialed from your phone were to camp friends

You've lit a candle at the end of the summer or watched the year burn away

You place bets on what's for lunch at camp because there's about 4 possibilities

Songs come on the radio, you start singing a camp version that has different words, and all your friends look at you like you're crazy

After seeing your camp friends during the year, you hate all of your home friends

Your home friends start limiting how many times a day you can begin a sentence with "This one time at camp.."

Your home friends don't understand why you've already begun counting down until next summer


80% of your clothing shows evidence of paint.

Abnormality is a compliment.

All your co-workers could be clinically classified as pyromaniacs, multiple personalities or obsessive compulsive.

Being at home makes you homesick.

Dressing up only involves slightly cleaner clothes.

Everything you have has your initials on it.

Most of your stories start with "and then there was this time at camp...."

On the job training includes 'The Cup Game".

Tater Tots are there own food group.

Sandal/watch tan lines are a competition.

Screaming and running at the same time is a coveted skill.

Sharpies, pens and duct tape are worth more than gold.

The following letters make sense: NCA.

Using logic could get you into trouble.

Camp has been over for 22 minutes and you're already thinking about next summer.

You are convinced that there is no way you could date someone who is not a camp guy/girl, because no one else really understands.

You can make anything out of duct tape, including Band Aids.

You can make up a song/cheer about anything.

You can shampoo, wash and shave your legs, etc in less than 5 minutes.

You can think of 50 ways to use a bandanna off the top of your head.

You can walk the woodsy path at night without a flashlight.

You feel naked without a Walkie-Talkie strapped to your body.

You don't think non-camp people can understand your summer job.

You've made friends with the "office people" or the Camp Nurse just to have a place to hang out.

You eat ketchup with everything,

You go to college just to fill time between summers.

You have a camp set of clothes.

You have a collection of outfits for theme weeks.

You have been in/seen an "interesting' production of Grease, Peter-Pan and/or Zoom, Zoom.

You have about 20 mosquito bites in 1 square inch of skin.

You have an entrie volume of camp-friendly mixed CDs.

Your friends life goals are to go to medical school/law school..yours is to be a colour war captain.

You don't do this for money - and you mean it.

You have no clue what's on TV until mid-September, cause you never watch it at camp.

You have to routinely prevent yourself from shouting, "Walk, please!" or "Where's your buddy?" at random kids at the mall/at the grocery store/etc.

You know all 753 1/2 verses of "Let me see your alligator...."

You know excatly how to get to camp from home by car, boat, plane or any other means of transportation.

You know that laughter, hiccups, sneezes, itching and yawns are contagious.

You are disappointed to find that you can't major in "Camp".

You never refuse free food.

You refer to your campers as YOUR kids.

You save anything and everything campers have ever made for you.

You still enjoy the same songs you did when you were 5.

You value the friendship bracelet you got at the camp carnival last summer more than any other piece of jewelry.

Your 'real-world' friends have ever limited you to only 5 camp stories a day.

Your car won't start until all seatelts are buckles.

Your friends know you you're nver home fromJune till September.

Your idea of a good song starts with the words, "This is a repeat after me song".

Your primary method of diplomatic resolution is Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Your tan lines are also your dirt lines.

Your teachers know you as a camp person.

Your water bottle and sandals are as essential as your unterwear.

Your year only has two seasons - Summer and Non-Summer.

You 've ever given up time off to comfort a crying camper.

You've ever had to read a policy on bathroom usage.

You've written a paper about camp for a class.

You refer to all your friends as "Dude" even thought you live no where near the west coast.

You've used your frozen Nalgene as an icepack.

You've written down the camp address instead of your own.

You looked up "camp" on facebook.

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Having a Mall behind your camp is perfectly normal to you

Having a choice of food places within walking distance of camp

having 2 pools at camp is normal and the names of the pool is the top and bottom pools.

Have the girls cabins being refered to as the lodge

PM me if you want to sign up for the camp buddies for this summmer.
I LOVE this thread!!!

You understand the meanings of: TO, NO, UL, CIT, LIT, JC, AD, CD, BM, TTD, SH, WF....

90% of your clothing shows evidence of tie-dye.

You have a camp notebook full of any important paperwork you've received.

You have a seperate set of everything for camp (e.g. camera, clothes, backpack, shoes, suitcase, towels...)

Countdowns until any camp-related activity are a must.

You wear your watch face down.

For at least a few weeks after camp, you have to wear your watch at all times.

You don't need a swimsuit anymore.

You have made friends from a variety of countries.

You talk to your camp friends more than all of your home friend put together.

You miss camp food.

You miss even the worst of camp jobs, such as cleaning the pool, etc.

You were on vacation and turned to yell at a group of kids fighting, because you thought you were still at camp.

You don't respond to your real name right after camp.

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knowing the names of 3 references for camp applications are a must

2 hour breaks a day are a must

PM me if you want to sign up for the camp buddies for this summmer.
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for weeks afterwards you look at the time and automatically think about what you "should" be doing! "Hey, its rest hour!"

"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"
^^^ totally agree, I was like I should be eating or up or working or resting now. Made me really sad.

Miss bug juice.

You know what bug juice is.

You are knowledgeable about Bob Ditter and his views on camp.

You know 100 ways to make a camper smile.

You would rather sleep than shower.

You did through a pile of dirty clothes for the least dirty aticle of clothing.

You love the idea of being away from civilization for 2 months.

You adore nature.

You start to fall in love with the maintence man at camp because there are no other guys.

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ummm, our maintenance man was like 60 years old, plus our camp is co-ed, so there are some really cute guy counselors! but I do agree that sleep is better than a shower! and that I have dug for the least dirty pants!

Oh my goodness, I was just thinking of another one when I heard the song "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey. The first time i heard that song was on our staff cd! haha

ooohhh I've got a good one!
Your singing voice doesn't sound nearly as bad when you sing camp songs!

"I'm always pretty happy when I'm at camp with you!"
Your home friends groan cause they know another camp story is coming up

You keep going with the story anyway just to hear the story again

You try to tie in camp to everything you do (such as school projects and such)

Your song book is way bigger then a dictionary

You can think of a song for anything at anytime

You cannot leave the house/tent/other dwelling without chacos, nalgene, sharpie, staff clipboard/notebook, and sunblock.

When you have jumped in the lake fully clothed

when you fav foods include s'mores

when most of the time on the CA and ACA websites!

When you have "friendships" with people who have worked at one of your camps since you left!

When you get really excited about discovering that CA is flying you to camp a day earlier than you expected cos it means that you have a whole extra day on camp!

When most of the people on your MSN list are camp people

when it is only feb and you have already started packing for camp

when you own a rubber chicken!

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when you add people on Facebook who work at camp with you

when you need to sign up for first aid or CPR classes in order to get extra money at camp

when you watch camp movies in Feb

when most of your clothes are camp shirts

PM me if you want to sign up for the camp buddies for this summmer.
when jumping in the lake counts as a shower.

when each stain has a story behind it.

when "dressing up" means wearing jeans.

when tan lines are a competition.

Last edited by campingqueen; 02/10/08 08:30 PM.
When most of your photos for the year were taken at camp

when you most yourself mail so you have chocolate for when you are at camp

when you know that if there are any returners you are going to spend half your TO making brownies for others

when you spend the year looking for new games and crafts you can do at camp!

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When you are limited in the time you can use the internet

you cant use your cell phone whenever you want

you are excited for mail call

PM me if you want to sign up for the camp buddies for this summmer.
when you can lock your phone in the camp safe and not have to worry about missing important phones calls - if it is soo important they will call camp!

when you get "dressed up" to go to walmart

when you spend most of every day thinking about or planning for camp!

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when you make a wal-mart run for things you need for camp such as sun screen

PM me if you want to sign up for the camp buddies for this summmer.
when you send a ton of letters to people during the summer, and are ok with getting one reply.

when you go to the post office and get the 'pretty' stamps to send letters to your campers.

when you buy stationery and stickers just for camp mail.

when getting a package with junk food in it pretty much makes you everyone's best friend.

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When you are able to take a day off during the week and get the maintainee at the movie and be the youngest person in the theater execpt for the employees who work there that dont "get" camp

PM me if you want to sign up for the camp buddies for this summmer.

You are knowledgeable about Bob Ditter and his views on camp.

You would rather sleep than shower.

You love the idea of being away from civilization for 2 months.


I remember last summer when the returners kept saying wait until you are "Ditter-ized". Us newbies thought that they were insane!!!

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you think that names for cabins such as Beaver Hutch, Fish Pond, Panthers Lair, Chippawa, Iroquois, Hopi, Mohawk, Deleweare are normal

Having a Mall in back of your camp is normal and going to sleep while hearing drunks screaming in their cars at the mall parking lot is just another Friday night

PM me if you want to sign up for the camp buddies for this summmer.
we came up with this list my first year on staff... It just took me a half hour to find so I hope you all enjoy it!
Some of them are specific to my camp so I'm sorry if they dont make sense.

Things you can only do at camp

1. see your boss dress in drag
2. get a free car wash
3. paint people in charge of you
4. throw someone in the lake without legal repercussions
5. have regular mud fights
6. get paid to sleep and lay on a beach
7. walk around at night serenading other people
8. wear your underwear outside of your pants
9. use a giant slip-n-slide
10. paint graffiti on ceilings
11. act like you?re eleven years old all the time
12. get a real breakfast most mornings
13. you get children to set the table for you (and do other random stuff for you too)
14. lanyards are a form of art, as are friendship bracelets
15. when you hear an air horn, you start ripping off your clothes
16. you get really happy when you hear ?Love Me Do? and ?Wannabe?
17. if you don?t shower for three days, you?re still relatively clean
18. you can steal mattresses from other peoples beds and not get in too much trouble
19. shaving is way overrated
20. you can blatantly lie to children, and it?s okay (and they believe you)
21. you start writing notes to your friends again, just like in middle school
22. you can take pop away from children, and drink it in front of them
23. you get way too excited about chicken patties
24. you sing songs that make absolutely no sense, and have absolutely no point
25. boys can wear nail polish
26. you make up songs about everything
27. ?your mamma?s on the roof? is the best comeback ever
28. throw flour filled socks at children
29. capture the flag becomes WWIII
30. you have ten secret boyfriends (or girlfriends) again, just like in grade school
31. Wednesday night is hospital night
32. you can wear the same clothes for a week at a time, and no one notices
33. Reading is FUNDAMENTAL!
34. confusion is an acceptable
35. the only state of mind you can call yourself a tripper in public, and not get in trouble
36. toys are the best gifts to receive (especially if they?re Barbies, and you?re a boy)
37. toilet-plunging is a necessary skill for survival
38. watch tans are so in right now
39. bigamy is ACE!
40. have pillow fights at work
41. naptime is the best part of the day
42. we hate snacks (unless the word ?staff? proceeds)
43. everyone is a winner
44. Meijer is a cause for celebration
45. you can have hot dogs for every meal
46. you suddenly find that you have two sets of clothing, school year and summer camp.
47. you can get the plague and find a dollar all in one day
48. 5 o?clock is quitting time (6 at outpost)
49. you start dating other peoples boyfriends
50. Horse pooh is a commodity
51. being licked by a small child in your sleep is not that unusual
52. leader in training really means slave labor
53. the Village People make regular appearances
54. yell at boys for touching girls
55. you can wear tie-dye, camouflage, and Hawaiian all at the same time
56. make friends with strange people in boats while teaching a class from a canoe
57. sit on a bed eating ice cream while the CIT watches the kids
58. Teddy Grams in frosting is the funniest suicide you?ve ever seen
59. sky diving squirrels are the norm
60. threats of turtlenecks are the best dress code enforcer
61. your tan washes off in the shower
62. funny and obscene quotes are written on walls, and this practice is encouraged
63. someone gets fired every time Maggie leaves camp
64. three or more counselors spooning in a bed is not seen as strange
65. when you hear a Disney song, the whole camp starts to sing along
66. the Sound of Music soundtrack inspires dance parties during meals
67. during the only nice, all-staff, meal (that does not involve hot dogs), two campers puke on the table
68. you can color people?s ears purple
69. nobody does it like Richy
70.for us the purpose of life is to fight maturity, screw everything else!

When chocolate from home (UK) makes you every ones friend.

When you spend the rest of the year trying not to say - lakeside and camperific and making your friends etc count off.

When you go shopping for groceries and end up buying tent pegs for over night camping trips!

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When you go out to Wal-Mart other people tell or ask you to buy stuff for them

PM me if you want to sign up for the camp buddies for this summmer.
When you come home saying things like you did at camp and none of your home friends understand.
[example, to be 'positive' our staff said YEAH in front of almost everything. e.g. YEAH pool kapers! YEAH mail time! YEAH water break! YEAH cupcake cones!...oh, good times]

When asked your address or phone number, you automatically being with the camps, then realize it's not the one they were asking for.

When stacks of new cards are pretty much gold.

When a card game tournament gets intense, with rules and an official leader board.

When James Bond and trash remind you of playing cards.

When the line of 'i'll play winner' gets so long you have to write it down.

When rolling around in mud, flower, hotdog condiments, ice cream and sundae toppings is a completely acceptable sport in 'Olympics'.

When you cry every time you hear the song, Lean on Me.

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