So, I just wanted to bump up an old thread, as for our first session of camp is going to be Color War.

It's going to be based around the fourth of July, and the campers are going to be broken up into either Red, Blue or White depending on their age (eg. grades 9-12 are blue, 6-8 are red and 4-6 are white).

I'm still tryin to wrap my head around Color Wars; I'm not completely understanding what people mean when referring to "the break".

But from Googling it, I am reading that a lot of camps do things like baseball games, capture the flag etc. to earn points for their color.

I want to know though how it could be held for the way my age groups are set up - as obviously it wouldnt be fair for the White team (4-6th grades) to play baseball against the Bue team who are 9-12 graders and obviously older and more skilled.

Any suggestion would be hugely appreciated!