I'm trying to think of any songs we banned....
the second verse to thte little green frog song was banned from my 4-H camp YEARS back
"honk honk went the big mack truck one day, split, splat went the little green frog" that entire verse got taken out....
HOWEVER I can remember as a 4-H camper and even as a counselor every night we had rec time which was a big red-neck square/line dance LOL, and we definitely played and did the line dance to "I'm Too Sexy"
One camp I went to was pretty liberal, LOL, even though it was a Y camp. Somehow one of the immature JC's got it in her head that she could teach the traditional campers (the 8-12yr olds!) the first part of "Killing Me Softly" that pop song!!! AND NONE of the other traditional counsleors would say anythign b/c this girl had been comming to the camp forever or somethig... that girl... if I never see her again LOL
I think that's it though...