i don't really think there are any songs banned at my camp...
we do grey squirrel instead of brown.. lol and the verse we use is "put a nut between your toes, crinkle up your little nose"...
and the buffalo song is one of our favorites \:\)

a few summers back my last year as a camper we didn't really sing a song.. the chesse song.. because the chorus was "rolling over the billows, rolling over the seas, rolling over the billows and the deep blue seas..." but because some inapropriatness between 2 staff memebers the words were sometimes said "rolling over the pillows, rolling over the sheets, rolling over the pillows and the deep blue sheets..." and some campers kinda picked it up... but we sing it now..
a funny thing is some of the girl scout weekends at my camp we do campfires and we lead songs for the girls and help make smores.. but this one town's leader told us not to sing songs about death.. so we were like ahhh!! all of our favorite songs are about dying..