it's been about 5 years since I worked at camp... so I'm not really sure if they've banned any songs since then, but while I was there, the only songs that got banned were those that the counselors got sick of singing... and those would only be banned for the rest of the session.
We did sing Cannibal King, as well as Titanic... As long as the kids sing the "husbands and wives, little children lost their lives" instead of their favorite "uncles and aunts, little children lost their pants."
I agree that most camp songs are probably "ban-able" if they were to be picked apart...
Which got me thinking about one of my favorite songs... Okay.. I don't know the actual title of this song... but here it is...
On the 43rd of May, my Willie passed away.
He died a harder death than he'd ever died before.
He was sittin' in a chair, but he didn't like it there, so he got up, and died
Around the corner, under a tree,
Sgt. Major said to me...
Who would marry you, I would like to know,
cause every time I look at your face, it makes me want to go
Down by the Old Mill Stream
where I first met you
it was there I knew

okay it goes on and on, but that's where my memory gets a little rusty... basically its all little bits of songs put together into one long crazy song. but it ends with "and there was grandma, swinging on the outhouse door, without her nighty, waiting for the garbage man, he never showed up... swinging... on the... out... house... doooooor. She wears pajamas."

If you looked almost any part of that song on its own, it could be banned, but when you put them together you realize it is just about being silly... anyway, now its gonna kill me because i can't remember the rest of it, so please someone help me!!!!