baby sharks....

and i thought of another song they didn't want us singing at camp...

Rainbow Made of Children... something about the whole "I was taught that black was evil, I was taught that white was good" lyric.. in case anyone was wondering... heres the whole song at least as i remember it...

We're a rainbow, made of children
We're an army, singing songs
There's no weapons that can stop us
Rainbow love is much too strong

I born in Alabama
Saying yes sir, to a man
-to a man
When I found out, it got me no where
Never said it again


I was taught that black was evil
I was taught that white was good
-white was good
but in a rainbow made of children
every color's understood


Old man Tucker, had a rifle
Protecting Mama's apple pie
-apple pie
when i offered him a flower
he just stood there and asked me why
