I loved reading all of your banned songs and not so banned songs! I absolutely love 4-H summer camp, proven by the fact that this will be my 37th straight year attending, We go to Marin County's 4-H Summer Camp at Las Posadas State Forest in Angwin California. OK so I have dated myself, but oh well. Therefore, as you can see I too do not like change! We have not really had to ban any songs yet, although we did have to eliminate “butt writing” for a few years, as someone did get a bit offended. For those of you who do not know what butt writing is, a camper (*preferably a staff member) stands with their back to the group and has to spell a word using their bottom. This is usually "punishment” for something serious like forgetting to wear your nametag! The one song that the kids just love I have been expecting to be banned for years but has no happened yet!
Oh Lord Chester
Oh Lord Chester, please do not touch me.
Oh Lord Chester, please do not touch me,
Oh Lord Chester, please do not touch me,
As I lie beneath the burning white sheets with nothing on at all!

The song continues on, each time leaving off one word. By the end of the song, the kids are screaming Oh Lord Chester Please do….
Followed by Oh Lord…

Then of course Oh!

Half of the kids have no idea why this is such a favorite song or really what it implies, but they are caught up in the craziness of the older kids.

Makes me laugh every time!

We have had to revise how we play Chubby Bunny due to reports of kids choking and actually dying because of cramming too many marshmallows into their mouths. We only allow the adults to play this game, oh boy!

Thanks for sharing your stores. Eileen