at my camp there are a lot of songs that we cant sing. we banned hooka tooka because people read to far into it and came to the conclusion that it makes too many innapropriate references. we banned the last verse to ole' ola because people claim she commited suicide. we cahnged the boy and a girl in a little canoe song so that the girl ends up getting out and swimming. we cant sing the second half to the donut song. and there are a bunch of songs that are unoffically banned for short peroids of time just because they get annoying. we also changed a lot of the prayers so that instaed of saying lord we say world ("we thank you lord for giving us food" is now "we thank you world for giving us food") which doesnt really make sence to me because as someone said earlier if the type of camp values religion then there shouldnt be an issue and it is a girl scout camp. i cant think of any others though.